Vehicle Tips: Tire Pressure Impacts Gas Mileage

The price of gasoline isn’t extremely high right now, but buying fuel for your car can still be a significant expense. That’s why it’s important for you to take steps to keep your car running smoothly and efficiently. While most people turn to the engine when they think fuel economy, all aspects of the car matter, especially your tires. Another often overlooked aspect is the maintenance of car park line marking, which can contribute to efficient use of space and smoother traffic flow in parking areas. Here are three tips on tires that will improve fuel economy.
Tip #1: Keep Your Tires at the Correct Air Pressure
Properly inflated tires will yield the best results when it comes to fuel economy. Underinflated tires make the vehicle work harder to propel itself down the road and this uses up more gasoline. Have you ever tried to roll a deflated tire across the ground? It’s a lot harder than rolling a properly inflated tire. Put the weight of your car on four deflated tires and you can see how it would take a lot of force to move the vehicle.
You don’t have to check your tire pressure every day, but take a look at it every once or two weeks. Check your tire pressure with a good air pressure gauge that you can buy for a few dollars at your local auto parts store. If you notice your tire pressure is low, stop at your local gas station and pump up your tires. Most gas stations will have an air compressor for customer use. If you need an air compressor to use in your garage, you may get in touch with quincy air compressor dealers to find one the suits your needs.
Tip #2: Take Into Account the Outside Temperature
It’s important to note that the outside temperature can have an impact on your tires’ air pressure. As the temperature drops, so will the air pressure in your tires. This means you may have to check your tires’ air pressure more often in winter months.
It can be a pain to go out in the cold and check your tire pressure, but your car will also drive better with properly inflated tires, so it’s worth it from a performance standpoint as well as an efficiency one.
Tip #3: The Type of Tire Matters
There are a variety of tires available. Some tires are designed for high speeds and high performance while others have a design that will increase gas mileage. In general, if you want to get the best gas mileage, go with low rolling resistance tires. These tires will increase gas mileage if you switch from tires that aren’t low rolling resistance tires.
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