Holiday Travel Tips from the Used Car Dealers in Sacramento

As you prepare for holiday travel this season, it is important to make sure that your car is in good shape and ready for the road. Experts at the used car dealers in Sacramento’s Roseville Auto Mall advise that you should start by checking the oil levels, fluid levels, and air pressure in the tires.
If it has been a while since your car was serviced, doing it the week before you leave is a good idea because you don’t want it to fail when you are far from home. If you will be traveling long distance or suspect you may be driving through severe winter weather, it’s a good idea to have your trunk packed with a survival kit. Your kit doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive but you must have the following items in case you find yourself stuck in a snow drift with no emergency crew in sight:
- Water bottles and non-perishable food snacks
- Sleeping bags and some extra winter clothes to stay warm
- Flashlight with extra batteries (for signaling and seeing at night)
- Bag of sand or kitty litter to get out of snow drifts
- Fully-charged cell phone and car charger
Be sure to have enough of the supplies listed above for each person who will be traveling with you. Ideally, you’ll want enough to get through a day or two. If you can attach a snow plow to your vehicle, it is advisable to bring a unimount snowplow to avoid getting stuck in the snow.
We have 16 dealerships at the Roseville Auto Mall – and each of our used car dealers in Sacramento, CA is happy to discuss ways to keep your family safe as you travel for the holiday season. Come visit us—we are just minutes from Sacramento off the I-80 – take the Eureka Exit.